Saturday, 20 November 2004, 8 pm at the Hard Rock Cafe, 121 Crown Street, Darlinghurst, Sydney, Australia. For further information contact Ange: phone 0414 554 122.
Max Q Audio Streams
The full streams to each Max Q track including the rare Love Man B-side are now available. For those who don’t have the album take a listen and realise that this album was way ahead of it’s time.
Relaunch of
We are pleased to announce the launch of the re-styled Official Michael Hutchence Memorial Site.
We hope you approve of the lighter appearance, the new articles and media files. There is more to come! Much credit must go to Mario and Jacqui Ferrari who are always so willing and diligent in keeping Michael’s Site running in more ways than most people realise. We are also celebrating this month, five years since our team, led by our dearly departed Kelland Hutchence, banded together to launch
It was in the immensely difficult months following Michael’s death that Kell commenced communicating with Michael’s friends and fans around the world. To enable him to do this, it was necessary to help him set up on the Internet, to assist him with the learning curve and with all that that entailed. Kell never gave up on the task, as it was so important to him that he help others who were also grieving, and to ensure that his son’s legacy would live on. It was during all the computer “tech support” calls from Kell that I suggested we work on a virtual perpetual memorial site for Michael. Kell was very encouraged by the prospect, and so over the coming months we commenced writing and collecting content from Michael’s family and friends. Kelland, Tina and Rhett Hutchence, Andrew Farriss, Bono, Jimmy Barnes, Jenny Morris, Richard Lowenstein, Helena Christensen, Greg Perano and many others helped by contributing heartfelt thoughts. Sadly Paula never managed to contribute and her passing was a sorrow upon a sorrow.
During those early days Kell also conducted a number of online talks with Michael’s fans as well as meeting with those that would travel from around the world to visit him in Sydney. He gained much comfort through comforting others. It was around this time that I introduced Kell to Mario and Jackie Ferrari, two devotees of Michael and INXS, who had build an INXS fan site from their professional digital publishing office in Switzerland. Mario and Jacqui from day one were committed to seeing Michael’s Memorial Site completed, and thus played a vital role with us in the layout, design and realisation of Michael’s Site. I have many fond memories of Kell, Susie, Mario, Jackie and I in project meetings around cups of coffee at Dee Bee’s restaurant in Double Bay. It is partly due to the latter’s Web professionalism that this site has won numerous awards and has been archived by the Australian National Library in Canberra as an Australian cultural treasure.
I must admit I was devoted to seeing Kell heal from terrible grief and the Memorial Website seemed a very worthwhile project for him to divert his attentions into. At the same time we set about organising the first Memorial Service for Michael which took place in November, 1998. We continued those services every year while Kell was alive. He saw the last service in November, 2002 via video from his hospital bed. He hoped that fans would continue to gather to celebrate Michael’s birthday every 22nd January. We are in debt to Ange Perou for her ongoing support as Fan Club President in coordinating these gatherings. It was also Kell’s wish that we all carry on with our work in maintaining and expanding Michael’s Memorial Site. Susie Hutchence is faithfully realising her husband’s vision with her support and leadership at
I sometimes wonder what Michael would have thought of all this, given that he was not particularly fond of the Internet. But Memorials are more for those left behind and it is a natural and healthy way of coping with such great loss. It is a joy to us that these pages are open to the whole world to see, and hundreds of thousands have visited this site since it’s inception. Thousand have encouraged us with heart-warming stories of momentary encounters with Michael, or with edifying stories of how Michael’s music and that of INXS have stirred their spirit in times of discouragement. It is also a delight to welcome, in very increasing numbers, younger audiences who are discovering the music of INXS and Hutch the Legend for the very first time. Sometimes it is by way of their parents, other times it is through the media or stumbling upon this site.
There is one Beautiful Girl yet to grow into Michael’s Memorial Site, and when she arrives it will be a rich legacy for her to enjoy. And if she so chooses, she may well fulfil her Grandaddio’s vision by taking leadship here… and thereby illuminating her Daddy’s Shining Star for many years to come.
Ian Patterson
For Susie Hutchence, Mario and Jacqui Ferrari
Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily
Precious Princess whose spirit is so young, innocent and care-free. Out of the phoenix of such sad loss your life will be lovingly shaped and moulded by the caring grace of God. You are adored and treasured always. Happy Birthday Tiger!
Kelland Hutchence
You lived each day as an adventure. Your mind never stopped ticking over as to what you could achieve next. You loved life with a passion and you were always generous with your time to those you gave strength to along the way. You never lost your dignity, your heart of love or your hope in the future. You were a gentleman, an intellectual, a husband, a father, a grandfather, a brother, a friend. Your smile was kind, warm and genuine. You will always be joyfully celebrated and sadly missed. Happy birthday Kell.
Happy 44th Michael
Sometimes it is hard to know how to write about Michael Kelland Hutchence. There is such a dilemma of joy and heartache about him. His spirit was so strong that many of us still feel the deep loss of his presence after more than 6 years on. Last night I re-visited the recently re-packaged “Live Baby Live” DVD and was reminded of his amazing gift to capture and excite an audience. His own description of his compositions as “morality songs” is heart-warming to reflect upon. He intentionally wrote to lift people’s spirits and to have them ponder on some aspect of our human plight, as well as to share part of his own heart. If you really want to be reminded of his uniqueness, spend time this 22nd January watching the above DVD. You will be taken back to a time when INXS ruled the airwaves around the world and Michael was shining so brightly. Try to listen to other material like the “Listen Like Thieves” album with the song that adorns Michael’s memorial stone, “Shine Like It Does”. Rhett found those original hand written lyrics amongst some things of Michael’s and so Kell decided to have them set in bronze. Those words are fixed to his stone so that they may remain many years.
Yes, it is all positive, uplifting music and you will come away feeling fortunate that we have such tangible parts of Michael as a lasting memorial to him, as well as memories of an era when the world seemed to be just that little more innocent. Doesn’t it seem a crazy, more heartless place since 9/11? And all this recent sorrow may prompt us to pray for the thousands of families who have lost loved ones in the above atrocity, as well as in Afghanistan, and Iraq (over 500 US soldiers have died in recent months, not to forget the many British soldieers and thousands of Iraqis) while masses of people are mourning loved ones lost in the incomprehensible, devastating earthquake in Iran.
May God speed the day we can truly sing …
I’m standing here on the ground
The sky above won’t fall down
See no evil in all directions
Resolution of happiness
Things have been dark
For too long
So this January 22nd, it may be also timely to ponder the question Michael sang of in “Dancing On the Jetty”…
Watch the world argue with itself
Who’s going to teach me peace and happiness?
God knows.
Blessings to you sweet, adorable Tiger
…and happy 44th, Michael!
From Ian,
On behalf of the Hutchence family and
all the Team at
Michael’s 44th Birthday Celebration
Thursday, 22nd January, 2004, 8 pm, at Hard Rock Café, 121 Crown Street, Darlinghurst, Sydney, Australia
Come join us in a friendly Michael Celebration by having a meal or perhaps a drink or two. There will be lots of stories exchanged and INXS music and videos being played throughout the night. Happy hour for drinks is from 4 pm to 7pm followed by live performances from young local talent until 10 pm interspersed with music from INXS. Then from 10 pm till late, rock to INXS and more INXS!
RSVP: Ange
Ph: 0414 554 122 ASAP
Or please call the Hard Rock Café direct to make your own personal booking on 02 9331 1116 …but hey, we want to hear from you if you intend rocking up on the night
Merry Christmas
Christmas in the Western world is traditionally a time for families to be together to celebrate love, joy and peace.
Of all the times in the year that loneliness may strike, Christmas Eve is particularly a hard time to be away from family. Yet this Christmas many of our family and friends at are feeling the pain and sorrow of separation from loved ones. Some are separated by oceans, others by eternal passing. We like to think that all who regular visit here are part of a larger family of friends held together by a common bond of love, respect and admiration for the music and personhood of Michael Kelland Hutchence. We hope somehow that being part of this community will help you experience the warmth and love of family this Christmas and that you will enter into the true spirit of the season which is accepting the precious gift of Jesus.
Christmas is always a story of new hope and fresh beginnings, a time to be thankful for the gift of life in this world and faith for eternal keeping in the next.
We wish the adorable Tiger a special greeting this year and also to Susie and Rhett who are particularly needing our prayers at this time. Big hugs to you all!
Merry Christmas everyone from the team at and we hope your Christmas cheer will, as Michael put it, “shine like it does into every heart” around you.
Mario, Jacqui and Ian
In memory of Kelland Hutchence
Today we pay homage to a wonderful person, Kelland Hutchence, Michael’s father who left us on 12th December, 2002.
His courage and determination were qualities all too rare in our present world. He could be tough and gentle at the same time. He was passionate about life and lived every second of it to make it count. He adored his wife and family, respected and honoured his friends, was a warrior for the exploited and abused and was never too busy to write off a letter or make a phone call to defend a human right. He loved people, loved the excitement of challenges, and despite growing older in years, Kell never lost a young heart. He was immensely proud of his children and grandchildren, rejoiced over them, wept over them, celebrated them. He was generous and kind, warm hearted, light hearted. He travelled the world and by the time he left this world he had discovered spiritual truths that would guarantee him peace for eternity. So sadly missed, so fondly remembered. Love and peace to you Kell.
Michael, An Unfinished Symphony
Michael’s passing seems as unbelievable as the day we all first heard the news. Six years on seems but six days.
Some of the most beautiful pieces of music remain unfinished. Torn from their creative flights of fancy by the fragility of life, many composers have come to untimely deaths leaving behind an unfinished work. Michael’s life has that kind of story. It is a sad story of final frontiers not reached, of visions almost realised, of new horizons almost attained. His death on 22nd November, 1997 broke the hearts of a generation of music lovers who had been moved by his extraordinary stage presence, his ability as a singer/songwriter, and his infectious personality. His new found freedom in solo writing and performance, though not to diminish the brilliance of his collaboration with the comparable Andrew Farris, was indeed an unfinished story for Michael. So was his acting career. And yet even more significant, by his own profession, was his most challenging role of all, exploring the joys of being a new Daddy. So unfinished symphonies remain just that, but it doesn’t diminish their poignant beauty and perpetual appeal.
This week as we honour Michael Hutchence’s memory, pray for little Tiger and the rest of his family that they will know God’s comfort, grace, love and peace. Tiger soldiers on and is living the life of a normal, healthy, little girl despite losing a Daddy, a Mummy, and last December, her Granddad with whom she so much enjoyed visits, and his cards and phone calls. This is our first anniversary without the adorable Kelland Hutchence. We love you Kell, and miss you profoundly.
Rhett is doing well and is very committed to a new creative venture, while Susie keeps busy to help pass the days that understandably must be hard and lonely. She sends her love and greetings to Michael’s friends and fans, and will be privately reflecting over the coming days leading up to the first anniversary of Kell’s departure. It will be the first year she has not attended Michael’s memorial gathering in Sydney, but she knows that Michael’s friends will understand the difficulties of these present days.
I know what Kell would tell you all to do this Saturday; “Listen to some of Michael’s music, let it lift you, and never, never give up on things.”
Love and peace,
Ian Patterson for the Hutchence family and all the team at
(Susie, Mario and Jackie)
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