Kelland Hutchence (1924 – 2002)
Sydney, October 11, 1999
I am greatly honoured to officially open this memorial website which has been created as a tribute to the memory of our beloved Michael.
Firstly I would like to thank most sincerely, Mario Ferrari and his wife Jacqueline of Switzerland, who have spent over eighteen months designing and implementing all aspects of this beautiful website. Mario and Jacqueline have visited me in Sydney twice since Michael passed away and I have been so deeply touched by their love of Michael and the devotion they have shown in bringing this website into a reality.
A very special thanks to my good friend Dennis Patterson – a professional musician, a computer whiz, a church pastor and spiritual giver who has been such a strength in helping Mario and I preparing material for this site.
I also wish to thank all of you – there are so many worldwide – who have been in contact with me and those who have contributed to this memorial for in doing so you have shown your love and respect for that wonderful guy I had the privilege of calling my son.
We all know that Michael was one of the most highly regarded Rock Stars in the world but apart from that he was a talented musician, a poet, an actor, a good cook and a great humanitarian who cast his many interests, his love and care on so many people in a magical way.
Michael’s mother Patricia and I, his sister Tina, brother Rhett and his beautiful young daughter Tiger Lily along with other members of his family all miss him so very much as we know you do, for sadly, he left us all far too early. But thankfully we have happy memories to warm our hearts and souls and to help us face the future as life must go on. I always feel that he is not far away – just out there up and over my right shoulder smiling down at us all and missing us too. The memorable and often evergreen music he created with Andrew Farriss and the guys of INXS and many other fine musicians will live on forever and I believe we should play it loud and clear with a smile on our faces as a celebration of Michael’s life.
I feel we will walk down this virtual memory lane with a mixed emotions. Sadness in missing him, yet joy for what he gave.
May he rest peacefully, eternally.