Now as the years roll on
Each time we hear our favorite song
The memories come along
Older times we’re missing
Spending the hours reminiscing”Graham Goble
Such will always be this day for those who knew and loved Michael. It is about fond memories of his music, of lyrics and melodies that bring back a flood of memories of people, places and things that are now indelibly part of our memory of Michael by association. Allow fond, positive memories to be paramount in your thoughts today, and may they give you hope and joy, as such memories are a gift of endearment, an enduring legacy of the preciousness of life and its ability to flow on regardless of events and happenings. So honor Michael’s spirit today by appreciating his songs. No greater compliment can we make to his legacy than to give attention to his work. Composers love that! And with gratitude, pray for all his family but especially for his teenage daughter, Tiger Lily. Michael would love you for that too!
Ian Patterson
On behalf of the Co-Directors
Susie Hutchence, Mario Ferrari, Jacqui Ferrari