Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily Hutchence reaches a new milestone in her life today. Tiger is moving from youngster to teenager. Over the next seven years she will no doubt be given the title, “Michael Hutchence’s teenager daughter, Tiger Lily”. But even more than Michael and Paula’s teenage daughter, Tiger is on the threshold of becoming a young teen with her own unique personhood, aspirations and life visions. Her Dad and Mum no doubt would be so proud of seeing their daughter blossom into a precious young princess.
May these teenage years be blessed and exciting, as well as foundational for growing into a glowing and healthy young woman. May these years be a time of rest from public intrusion, from unfair expectations and exploitations.
May these years be significant for forming character and pride in a creative and loving heritage. May the shelter and protection you have been given continue to nurture you into a safe and balanced life with the loving support of family and friends…and may you always be proud, dearest Tiger, of who YOU are!
All our love from all the Team at MichaelHutchence.org